There is nothing like a personal story to bring home the “where the rubber hits the road” understanding of an issue.
This is very true of the ongoing story of Assistive Technology (AT). In a sense, we all benefit from assistive technology, particularly as we grow older. There is, however, a group of people whose lives can be fundamentally changed by AT. Such is the case of Francesca. She tells her own story on this You Tube video that is worth your time:
There are some things to note as you watch:
The utter despair of a person faced with a disability without proper care
The difference to a life when appropriate care and assistive technology is provided.
The contribution to the community that a person with disability can make when given the chance
The joy that can be present when a person with disability is given the assistance they need, enabling them to make a difference in the world.
The goal of the AT Catalyst Project is to put existing resources together, specifically faith-based hospitals and assistive technology providers, so that people with disability can get the ongoing care they need as well as the AT expertise necessary to help them live a more normal life.
You can help make a difference by becoming financial partners with Karen and me in this effort. Because of the long-standing relationships Karen has with hospitals and with a boarding school for children with disabilities in Kenya, we are starting our efforts there. However, we are also interacting with a hospital in Egypt, so things are already growing. Please consider prayerfully how you can become involved. The AT Catalyst Project is an IDEAS and BethanyKids Canada program. More information is available from the web sites listed below.
Give to the AT Catalyst Project—United States
Give to the ATCatalyst Project — Please select Option 7: Assistive Technology Wheelchair Services (Rispin) from the drop-down menu