It’s Working!


Karen Rispin

A primary goal of AT Catalyst’s is to bring wheelchair resources together with those that need them. Some facets of that goal include enabling affordable and appropriate wheelchair supplies, facilitating training, and finding affordable ways to seat those with complex postural problems. Success opens doors for collaboration between wheelchair specialists, and facilitation of ways to share real hope with those who receive the wheelchairs.

Child in wheelchairI just got back from Kenya where I saw evidence that every one of these goals was beginning to be met. I saw wheelchairs provided through links made by AT Catalyst. I saw this with BethanyKids at Joytown and at Kisumu, and at Tenwek Hospital. I observed training for complex seating and for sharing hope, and I saw productive collaboration between healthcare specialists. In my estimation what we are doing is beginning to work. As we gain more experience our plan is to continue to extend hope to other communities.

It was wonderful to be in Kenya and experience what’s happening there. It was also good to hear people thank Karen for all that she has been doing for people who need wheelchairs. For the most part what we are doing is working. As with every endeavor however, there are ways to improve so please keep praying.

Thanks for your support.

Phil Rispin

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