

Karen Rispin


Good news! BethanyKids made the deadline for the first step of an application to the Assistive Technology Impact Fund! It’s a fund from the UK looking for those with innovative ideas to get quality wheelchairs to those who need them. BethanyKids and BeeLine wheelchairs want to make a facility which will make BeeLine chairs locally. They also intend to collect and form recycled plastic into some of the parts.

This is encouraging because catalyzing links to make this type of grant writing possible has been one of my dreams. I had to wait. It took longer to have doors open for this than I had hoped. Now it’s time to wait again as we pray for favour in the eyes of the grant reviewers.

With COVID, waiting is part of so many lives!! Many of us are on hold. We have a goal, we go forward; things stall; we wait; we try again and pray, and wait again.
This made think of Psalm 27, a Psalm about trusting God which ends this way, “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”

It is such an amazing privilege that God chooses to work through us to bring hope to others waiting for help. Yet it seems no pain is ever completely or perfectly dealt with. In a sense, our whole lives are a time of waiting for joy and justice. While we wait, God asks us to live each day with joy even when things aren’t as we had hoped. Reminds me of the song based on Isaiah 40:31: Those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles. They will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. Teach us Lord, teach us Lord, to wait.”

And back to the first topic, thanks again for your prayers that maybe God will use this grant application by BethanyKids to bring joy to those with disabilities as they wait on God through lives that are not easy.

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