The quote above is attributed to a writer by the name of Ella Winter
She made the comment in a conversation with Thomas Wolfe, a writer and film maker. The sentiment, however, is much older than that. Jesus had a rough time returning home, as related in Mark 6:1-6. After trying to speak to the people who knew him while he was growing up, Jesus commented, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” Perhaps He was showing a little sadness at the lack of acceptance by the people He knew.
Karen and I are in the process of moving home, where we will be based as we work on the Assistive Technology Catalyst Project. I really should clarify this, in that I am moving home to the Canadian province of my birth. Karen’s home, where she grew up, is Kenya. However, Karen is willing to put up with the winter cold and short summers to be near our daughters and grandkids. LeTourneau University has provided the opportunity for Karen to return to Kenya yearly for the past decade to do research on wheelchairs. This is the activity that has created the foundation for the AT Catalyst Project.
Our first year with the AT Catalyst Project will be busy!
Karen is leaving for Kenya with a number of her students on May 9th. While this trip is mainly a university trip, there will be some work, meeting with officials and therapists from both Kijabe Hospital and Tenwek Hospital in Kenya. In November, we will both be going to Egypt to meet with administrators and therapists about wheelchair services at Harpur Hospital.
Squeezed into the mix will be conferences, one near Rocky Mountain National Park with IDEAS, the second at the Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville Kentucky. Just to round out the activity, we will be traveling to visit with wheelchair organizations and our financial partners. We’ll also be talking with churches and individuals about becoming involved in this effort. So while we will be based in Alberta, we won’t be spending a lot of time there.
Thank you for following along on this journey!
We value your friendship, support and encouragement. If you have any questions, please let us know. And please keep us posted on how we can pray for you.