For many of us, Christmas is a time of family and good food. There’s a story about a celebration meal in Luke 14. In verse 21 we read ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’ Until Karen began working with disabled children in Kenya, I hadn’t given much thought as to how difficult it might be to do this.
This command meant that the people living with disability would have to be found then provided with some means of getting to the banquet where they would be welcomed into community. In many countries, finding those living with disabilities isn’t so easy. Many cultures see disability as a result of sin or a curse. Feeling shamed, families hide relatives who are disabled. Someone local who cares is needed. Someone who can offer to meet a felt need. Pity isn’t enough.
Love takes the time to respect a disabled person by giving appropriate quality care designed to give dignity and independence. Over the last ten years, great resources and guidelines have become available. Our goal is to link these resources and knowledge to those putting Luke 14:21 into action.
The need is great, and we invite you to partner with us to enable this kind of care for people in resource-limited countries. A story about one person who got the help she needed. The AT Catalyst Web Page that tells you more about us. The AT Catalyst Give Page The organization we work under, check out their opportunities for service.