Good news! Check out the flags – we’re having encouraging interactions with these countries.
- Unexpected interactions with dedicated people in Turkey and Macedonia were so fun! Rewarding to link them to resources they hadn’t known about, and I’m learning from them!
- Encouraging news – two rehab people are planning to visit our partners in Aswan.
- The bigger news has to do with serious goup zoom meetings with leaders in Angola and Uganda. These are major new initiates. It’s excited to be able to be involved in facilitating! It was fun to link OM in Angola with ShonaQuip and listen to subseqeunt planning. It was also exciting to connect staff with BethanyKids Uganda with Florence and the Mukisa foundation.
- More big news. Serious conversations are going forward regarding taking steps toward making a BeeLine facility in Kenya to address the chronic need for pediatric chairs. Pray especially that Josh, David, Luke, Mark, Solomon and Skip will keep moving forward to make this possible.